| __construct (array $settings)
Settings should contain a resourceKey and optionally: 1) a cloudEndPoint to overwrite the default baseurl 2) a cloudRequestOrigin to use when sending requests to cloud. More...
| getEvidenceKeyFilter ()
Instance of EvidenceKeyFilter based on the evidence keys fetched from the cloud service by the private getEvidenceKeys() method.
| processInternal (FlowData $flowData)
Processing function for the CloudRequestEngine Makes a request to the cloud service with the supplied resource key and evidence and returns a JSON object that is then parsed by cloud engines placed later in the pipeline.
| getContent (FlowData $flowData)
Generate the Content to send in the POST request. More...
| addQueryData (array $queryData, array $allEvidence, array $evidence)
Add query data to the evidence. More...
| getSelectedEvidence (array $evidence, string $type)
Get evidence with specified prefix. More...
| keyHasPrefix (string $itemKey, string $prefix)
Check that the key of a KeyValuePair has the given prefix. More...
| getDataSourceTier ()
Get the tier to which the current data source belongs. More...
| setCache (DataKeyedCache $cache)
| setRestrictedProperties (array $propertiesList)
Add a subset of properties. More...
| inCache (FlowData $flowData)
A method to check if a flowData's evidence is in the cache. More...
| process (FlowData $flowData)
| __construct ()
A default dummy constructor is needed for there are classes inheriting this class deeper than 1-level of inheritance and calling parent::__construct() in their explicit constructors. More...
| process (FlowData $flowData)
General wrapper function that calls a FlowElement's processInternal method.
| getEvidenceKeyFilter ()
| filterEvidence (FlowData $flowData)
| filterEvidenceKey (string $key)
| onRegistration (Pipeline $pipeline)
Callback called when an engine is added to a pipeline.
| processInternal (FlowData $flowData)
Process FlowData - this is process function is usually overridden by specific FlowElements to do their core work.
| getProperties ()
Get properties Usually overridden by specific FlowElements. More...
| updatePropertyList ()
Update a FlowElement's property list This is used by elements that are only aware of their properties at a later stage, such as cloud request based FlowElements or FlowElements that change their properties later based on new datafiles.