
51Degrees Device Detection C/C++  4.4

A device detection library that is used natively or by 51Degrees products

FiftyoneDegrees::Common Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Shared classes.

This includes base classes and interfaces which are extended or implemented by inheriting classes.

Data Structures

class  Collection
A group of items accessible by index or key. More...
class  CollectionConfig
C++ class wrapper for the fiftyoneDegreesCollectionConfig structure. More...
class  ComponentMetaData
EntityMetaData relating to a component populated by an engine implementation. More...
class  ConfigBase
C++ class wrapper for the fiftyoneDegreesConfigBase configuration structure. More...
class  Date
The Date class wraps the C fiftyoneDegreesDate structure and is used to represent dates in engines. More...
class  EngineBase
Encapsulates the engine class to be extended by engine implementations. More...
class  EntityMetaData
Base class for any entity meta data. More...
class  EntityMetaDataBuilder
Meta data builder class contains static helper methods used when building meta data instances. More...
class  EvidenceBase
Base evidence class containing evidence to be processed by an engine. More...
class  EvidenceException
Exception thrown when there is a problem with the evidence provided. More...
class  FatalException
Fatal exception meaning the process should be halted. More...
class  InvalidPropertyException
Exception thrown when a property does not exist in the data set. More...
class  MetaData
Contains meta data for the properties, values, profiles and components that exist within the engine instance. More...
class  NotImplementedException
Exception indicating that the method has not been implemented by the class. More...
class  NoValuesAvailableException
Exception indicating that there were no values in the results for the requested property. More...
class  ProfileMetaData
Meta data relating to a profile populated by an engine implementation. More...
class  PropertyMetaData
Meta data relating to a property populated by an engine implementation. More...
class  RequiredPropertiesConfig
C++ class wrapper for the fiftyoneDegreesPropertiesRequired structure. More...
class  ResultsBase
Encapsulates the results of an engine's processing. More...
class  StatusCodeException
Exception containing the status code which caused the exception. More...
class  TooManyValuesException
Exception indicating that an attempt was made to return a single value type (e.g. More...
class  Value
Encapsulates a value returned an instance of ResultsBase for a specified property. More...
class  ValueMetaData
Meta data relating to a value populated by an engine implementation. More...
class  ValueMetaDataKey
Key used to store ValueMetaData in a Collection. More...
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