- Prerequisites
- Premium Data
- Getting Started
- Summary
- Distributions
- 51Degrees.php Config
- Using the Detector
- Advanced Usage
- Accessing Metadata
- Image Optimiser
- Client Side Overrides
- Passing Properties To Client Side
- User Performance Monitoring
- Usage Sharing
- Automatic Data Updates
- Advanced Suggestions
- Troubleshooting
Advanced Suggestions
Advanced Suggestions
These suggestions will improve the performance of your solution significantly and are highly recommended for production deployment.
To significantly increase performance, we recommend that you use APC or WinCache. The installation procedure changes depending upon your site host and server configuration. For full installation instructions, please see:
IIS/WebMatrix installations
For IIS and WebMatrix PHP users, it is recommended to use Microsoft's WinCache. For full details, go to http://www.iis.net/download/WinCacheForPhp and use the link for the Web Platform Installer to install WinCache.
Windows XAMPP/Windows-Server run Apache installations
1) Download the APC installation at http://downloads.php.net/pierre/ (search for APC and download the version closest to your PHP installation. For example, for 5.3, use php_apc-3.1.10-5.3-vc9-x86.zip).
2) Extract the file in the /ts folder of the zip file to the ext folder of your PHP installation
Add the following line to your php.ini file under [Extensions]:
add extension=php_apc.dll
4) Open to the httpd.conf file in a text editor.
5) Replace all instances of
AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
6) If Apache is running, stop it and start it back up again.
Unix/Linux Servers
Please ensure you are running PECL first. If this is installed and running, to install APC type the following into your command line:
sudo pecl install apc
You may need to restart Apache after the installation.
UDP messages are used to transmit usage information when sockets are enabled. Most PHP environments by default will enable sockets. However, on some IIS or Windows Server PHP default installations (e.g. WebMatrix), the extension needs to be enabled manually.
Windows Servers
Open the PHP configuration file (php.ini) in the text editor of your choice and search for the following line:
Simply uncomment this line like this:
Open the PHP configuration file (php.ini) in the text editor of your choice and search for the following line:
If this line is not available, then add, or otherwise uncomment this line like this: