Pattern Example
This is a console program takes a pattern data file and a useragent as argument and outputs data about the detected device.
This program requires the JSON package. If you do not already have it installed you can get it via CPAN:
cpan JSON
- -filename or - f : The path to a pattern data file.
- -properties or - p : The properties to return. If not set a default set of properties will be used.
- -ua : The useragent to use. If not set a default useragent taken from Google Chrome 35 will be used.
use FiftyOneDegrees:: PatternV3; use JSON; use Data:: Dumper; use feature qw/say/ ; use Getopt:: Long; my $filename ; my $propertyList ; my $userAgentString ; my $r = GetOptions( 'filename|f=s' => \ $filename , 'properties|p=s' => \ $propertyList , 'ua=s' => \ $userAgentString ); $userAgentString // = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36" ; $propertyList // = "Id,BrowserName,BrowserVendor,BrowserVersion,CookiesCapable,IsTablet,IsMobile,IsCrawler" ; die "DAT file does not exist! usage: $0 -f <dat filename>\n" unless - e ( "$filename" ); # Initialize Pattern library # For pattern a dataset pointer is needed. This will be passd into other # PatternV3 functions. my $dsPointer = FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3:: dataSetInitWithPropertyString( $filename , $propertyList ); my $json = FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3:: getMatch( $dsPointer , $userAgentString ); say "=== Data Output ===" ; my %properties = % { decode_json( $json ) }; # Loop through and print all returned properties while ( my ( $key , $value ) = each %properties ) { say $key . ": " . $value ; } FiftyOneDegrees::PatternV3:: destroyDataset( $dsPointer );