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Ant Compilation

The Java solution comes with ready compiled and packaged jar files under the "dist" directory of the zip file. However there are cases where it is necessary to modify the code and re-compile, such as when single threaded mode is required.

An Apache Ant build file has been included in the download file and can be used for such occasions. The file is called "build.xml" and is located in the root of the downloaded zip file. To use it, you must first ensure that you have ant installed on your system (Installation instructions can be found here ). Then follow these steps:


  1. Make any modifications to the core source code that you wish to and ensure the source files are left in there original locations.
  2. Navigate to the build file in a command line interface and type the command "ant core".
  3. Your newly compiled and packaged JAR file can now be found in the "dist" folder.


  1. Obtain a copy of "servlet-api-2.4.jar", which can be found in the library folders of your Java web server or downloaded from the Maven repository , and place it in the same directory as the build file.
  2. Make any modifications to the webapp source code that you wish to and ensure the source files are left in there original locations.
  3. Navigate to the build file in a command line interface and type the command "ant".
  4. Your newly compiled and packaged JAR file can now be found in the "dist" folder.