What's Covered
This tutorial illustrates how to access match metrics. The following is covered:
- How to retrieve a full list of all devices and the properties for each.
- Writing the data to a csv file.
Code and Explanation
All profiles example of using 51Degrees device detection.
The example shows how to:
string fileName = args[0];
DataSet dataSet = StreamFactory.Create(fileName, false);
StreamWriter fout = new StreamWriter(outputFile);
fout.Write("Id"); foreach (Property property in hardwareProperties) { fout.Write("," + property.Name); } fout.Write("\n");
Profile[] hardwareProfiles = dataSet.Hardware.Profiles;
foreach (Value value in profile.Values) { if (value.Property == property) { // Append this value to the string. values += value.ToString(); } }This tutorial assumes you are building this from within the 51Degrees Visual Studio solution. Running the executable produced inside Visual Studio will ensure all the command line arguments are preset correctly. If you are running outside of Visual Studio, make sure to add the path to a 51Degrees data file as an argument.
public static void Run(string fileName)
// DataSet is the object used to interact with the data file.
// StreamFactory creates Dataset with pool of binary readers to
// perform device lookup using file on disk.
DataSet dataSet = StreamFactory.Create(fileName, false);
// Name of the output file results will be saved to.
string outputFile = "AllProfilesOutput.csv";
// Get all the hardware profiles from the hardware component.
Profile[] hardwareProfiles = dataSet.Hardware.Profiles;
// Get all the hardware properties from the hardware component.
// For the full list of properties see:
// https://51degrees.com/resources/property-dictionary
Property[] hardwareProperties = dataSet.Hardware.Properties;
// Opens and output file.
StreamWriter fout = new StreamWriter(outputFile);
Console.WriteLine("Starting All Profiles Example.");
// Print CSV headers to output file.
foreach (Property property in hardwareProperties)
fout.Write("," + property.Name);
// Loop over all devices.
foreach (Profile profile in hardwareProfiles)
// Write the device's profile id.
foreach (Property property in hardwareProperties)
// Print the profile's values for the property.
fout.Write(getProfileValues(profile, property));
Console.WriteLine("Output Written to " + outputFile);
// Finally close the dataset, releasing resources and file locks.
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a "|" separated string of all the values the profile has
/// which relate to the supplied property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="profile">Profile to get the values from.</param>
/// <param name="property">Property to get the values for.</param>
/// <returns>string of properties for the requested profile
/// and property.</returns>
static string getProfileValues(Profile profile, Property property)
string values = "";
if (property.Category == "Javascript")
// Prevents big chunks of javascript overrides from
// being writen.
return "N/A";
bool firstValue = true;
// Look though all the values in the profile and check if
// they relate to the requested property.
foreach (Value value in profile.Values)
if (value.Property == property)
if (!firstValue)
// There are multiple values, so separate them.
values += "|";
firstValue = false;
// Append this value to the string.
values += value.ToString();
// Return the values string.
return values;
All Profiles is a code to convert all of the profiles held within our database into a CSV file to be used for other services, such as analytic use.
All Profiles consists of every device within our database and the values of all properties associated with that device.
The Lite data file contains 446,634 device combinations, whilst Premium and Enterprise contain 940,018 and 1,407,838 device combinations respectively. A larger set of device combinations leads to the 'exact' detection method being used more frequently and the results being more reliable.