Price plans to suit your business
cloud only
15,000,000 monthly requests
$1,200 per month
Buy nowAsk about trials and bespoke cloud agreements
on-premise and cloud
Unlimited monthly requests
Contact usAsk about trials and bespoke agreements
Features included
Device Detection essential
Location OSM to country and city
Client Hints support
Device Detection all properties
Location OSM to address
Client Hints support
Device Detection all properties
Location OSM to address
Client Hints support
Device Detection all properties
Location OSM to address
Client Hints support
Device Detection all properties
Location OSM to address
Client Hints support
100,000 monthly requests applies to the cloud service only. Our free on-premise service has unlimited requests
Live traffic only with cloud (offline allowed with on-premise)
Unlimited websites
Geographic data from latitude and longitude
Data file updates to the cloud once a month
Data file updates for on-premise via GitHub once a month
No throttling
Detect Apple iPhone models
Limited device properties
City level location accuracy
Joint data controllers
HTTP header (User-Agent) and UA-CH headers (Hardware, Platform, Browser)
Seamless switching between cloud and on-premise services
Visit GitHub for limited on-premise data
Live traffic only
Unlimited websites
Geographic data from latitude and longitude
Data file updates to the cloud Monday through Friday
No throttling
Detect Apple iPhone models
Zip code accuracy
Joint data controllers
HTTP header (User-Agent), UA-CH headers (Hardware, Platform, Browser), TAC, and native app key evidence
Live traffic only
Unlimited websites
Geographic data from latitude and longitude
Data file updates to the cloud Monday through Friday
No throttling
Detect Apple iPhone models
Zip code accuracy
Joint data controllers
HTTP header (User-Agent), UA-CH headers (Hardware, Platform, Browser), TAC, and native app key evidence
Live traffic only
Unlimited websites
Geographic data from latitude and longitude
Data file updates to the cloud Monday through Friday
No throttling
Detect Apple iPhone models
Zip code accuracy
Joint data controllers
HTTP header (User-Agent), UA-CH headers (Hardware, Platform, Browser), TAC, and native app key evidence
Offline traffic allowed with on-premise
Unlimited websites
Geographic data from latitude and longitude
Data file updates to on-premise Monday through Friday with automatic updates available
No throttling
Detect Apple iPhone models
Zip code accuracy
Bespoke data controller options
HTTP header (User-Agent), UA-CH headers (Hardware, Platform, Browser), TAC, and native app key evidence
Seamless switching between cloud and on-premise services
Customised T&Cs available