[detail level 1] | |
CAspectData | Extension of elementData which allows for a missing property service to be called when an accessed property isn't available |
CAspectDataDictionary | Extension of elementDataDictionary which stores a {key,value} dictionary of elements like elementDataDictionary but with the additional aspectData extensions |
CAspectPropertyValue | An AspectPropertyValue is a wrapper for a value It lets you check this wrapper has a value inside it If not value is set, a specific no value message is returned |
CAstrology | [class] [constructor] |
CAsync | |
CBasicListEvidenceKeyFilter | An instance of evidenceKeyFilter that uses a simple array of keys Evidence not using these keys is filtered out |
CCloudEngine | This is a template for all 51Degrees cloud engines |
CCloudRequestEngine | |
CCloudRequestError | |
CDataFile | A datafile used by a FlowElement / Engine to get calculate properties values |
CDataFileUpdateService | Datafiles attached to FlowElements register with the dataFileUpdateService so the datafiles can receive automatic updates |
CDataKeyedCache | A simple cache getter that takes a cache key and returns an element if it is found in the cache |
CElementData | Stores information created by a flowElement based on flowData |
CElementDataDictionary | A basic extension of elementData with dictionary object storage / lookup |
CEngine | An Engine is an extension of a FlowElement which adds options such as restricting to a subset of properties and a cache and the ability to load property data from a datafile of the DataFile class |
CEvidence | Storage of evidence on a flowData object |
CEvidenceKeyFilter | An evidence key filter is added to a flowElement It tells the pipeline which evidence it is interested in This can be used to determine whether a request can be cached Or to filter out evidence not needed by any element in a pipeline This base class is always extended for a specific filter type |
CFlowData | FlowData is created by a specific pipeline It collects evidence set by the user It passes evidence to flowElements in the pipeline These elements can return ElementData or populate an errors object |
CFlowElement | A FlowElement is placed inside a pipeline It receives Evidence via a FlowData object It uses this to optionally create ElementData on the Flowdata It has a unique dataKey which is used to extract data from the FlowData Any errors in processing are caught in the FlowData's errors object |
CHelpers | |
CJavaScriptBuilderElement | The JavaScriptBuilder aggregates JavaScript properties from FlowElements in the pipeline |
CJSEvidenceKeyFilter | An instance of EvidenceKeyFilter which removes all but header and query evidence as that is all that is used by the JavaScript builder |
CJSONBundlerElement | The JSONBundler aggregates all properties from FlowElements into a JSON object It is used for retrieving via an endpoint from the client side via the JavaScriptBuilder and also used inside the JavaScriptBuilder itself to pass properties to the client side |
CLRU | |
CLRUcache | An instance of DataKeyed cache using a least recently used (LRU) method |
CMissingPropertyService | Base class for a missing property service that throws an error if the property is not available for some reason |
CMyCustomCache | |
CNeverRun | |
CNode | |
CPipeline | Pipeline holding a list of flowElements for processing, can create flowData that will be passed through these, collecting elementData Should be constructed through the PipelineBuilder class |
CPipelineBuilder | A PipelineBuilder generates a Pipeline object Before construction of the Pipeline, FlowElements are added to it There are also options for how JavaScript is output from the Pipeline |
CRequestClient | |
CSequenceElement | The SequenceElement stores session data regarding requests for client side JavaScript from the JavaScript created by a Pipeline's JavaScriptBuilder If a Pipeline is constructed with the JavaScript elements enabled this is added automatically along with the JavaScriptBuilder and JSONBundler |
CSetHeadersElement | Set response headers element class |
CShareUsage | The ShareUsage element sends usage data to 51Degrees in zipped batches |
CShareUsageEvidenceKeyFilter | The ShareUsageEvidenceKeyFilter filters out all evidence not needed by the 51Degrees ShareUsage service |
CShareUsageTracker | The ShareUsageTracker is used by the ShareUsageElement to determine whether to put evidence into a bundle to be sent to the 51Degrees Share Usage service |
CStop | |
CSync | |
CTracker | A tracker is an instance of datakeyed cache which, if a result is found in the cache, calls an additional boolean match method |