Nbuild | |
Nexamples | |
Nfiftyone_devicedetection | |
Ndevicedetection_pipelinebuilder | |
CDeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder | The Device Detection Pipeline Builder allows you to easily Construct a pipeline containing the device detection cloud engine |
Nfiftyone_devicedetection_cloud | |
Ndevicedetection_cloud | |
CDeviceDetectionCloud | The Device Detction cloud engine requires the 51Degrees cloudRequestEngine to be placed in a pipeline before it |
Ndevicedetection_cloud_pipelinebuilder | |
CDeviceDetectionCloudPipelineBuilder | The Device Detection Pipeline Builder allows you to easily Construct a pipeline containing the device detection cloud engine |
Nhardwareprofile_cloud | |
CHardwareProfileCloud | The hardware profile cloud engine |
Nfiftyone_devicedetection_examples | |
Ncloud | |
Nconfigurator_console | |
CConfiguratorConsole | |
Ngettingstarted_console | |
CGettingStartedConsole | |
Ngettingstarted_web | |
Napp | |
CGettingStartedWeb | |
Nmetadata_console | |
CMetaDataConsole | |
Nnativemodellookup_console | |
CNativeModelLookupConsole | |
Ntaclookup_console | |
CTacLookupConsole | |
Nexample_utils | |
CExampleUtils | |
Nonpremise | |
Ndatafileupdate_console | |
CDataFileUpdateConsole | |
CUpdateEvent | |
Ngettingstarted_console | |
CGettingStartedConsole | |
Ngettingstarted_web | |
Napp | |
CGettingStartedWeb | |
Nmatch_metrics | |
CMatchMetricsConsole | |
Nmetadata_console | |
CMetaDataConsole | |
Nofflineprocessing | |
COfflineProcessing | |
Nfiftyone_devicedetection_onpremise | |
Ndevicedetection_datafile | |
CDeviceDetectionDataFile | Extension of the DataFile class for DeviceDetection This helps construct the update url based on url parameters provided by the engine, provides methods to get the published date and update date of the datafile and refreshes the on premise engine when the datafile is updated |
Ndevicedetection_onpremise | |
CDeviceDetectionOnPremise | The Device Detection On Premise engine uses a datafile to generate a list of properties about a device based on evidence supplied to it |
Ndevicedetection_onpremise_pipelinebuilder | |
CDeviceDetectionOnPremisePipelineBuilder | The Device Detection Pipeline Builder allows you to easily Construct a pipeline containing the device detection cloud engine |
NDeviceDetectionHashEngineModule | |
C_SwigNonDynamicMeta | |
CBoolValueSwig | |
CCollectionConfigSwig | |
CComponentMetaDataCollectionSwig | |
CComponentMetaDataSwig | |
CConfigBaseSwig | |
CConfigDeviceDetectionSwig | |
CConfigHashSwig | |
CDate | |
CDoubleValueSwig | |
CEngineBaseSwig | |
CEngineDeviceDetectionSwig | |
CEngineHashSwig | |
CEvidenceBaseSwig | |
CEvidenceDeviceDetectionSwig | |
CIntegerValueSwig | |
CMapStringStringSwig | |
CMetaDataSwig | |
CProfileMetaDataCollectionSwig | |
CProfileMetaDataSwig | |
CPropertyMetaDataCollectionSwig | |
CPropertyMetaDataSwig | |
CRequiredPropertiesConfigSwig | |
CResultsBaseSwig | |
CResultsDeviceDetectionSwig | |
CResultsHashSwig | |
CStringValueSwig | |
CSwigPyIterator | |
CValueMetaDataCollectionSwig | |
CValueMetaDataKeySwig | |
CValueMetaDataSwig | |
CVectorStringSwig | |
CVectorStringValuesSwig | |
Nswig_data | |
COnPremiseMissingPropertyService | |
CSwigData | Extention of AspectData made for retrieving results created by the SWIG wrapper of the On Premise Device Detection engine |
Nfiftyone_devicedetection_shared | |
Nconstants | |
CConstants | |
Nkey_utils | |
CKeyUtils | |
Nsetup | |
CNoSuffixBuilder | |
Ntests | |
Ntest_automatic_data_file_updates | |
CDeviceDetectionTests | |
Ntest_cloud | |
CDeviceDetectionTests | |
Ntest_cloudexamples | |
CDeviceDetectionExampleTests | |
Ntest_cloudgettingstartedweb | |
CCloudGettingStartedWebTests | |
Ntest_devicedetection | |
CDeviceDetectionTests | |
Ntest_onpremiseexamples | |
CDeviceDetectionExampleTests | |
Ntest_onpremisegettingstartedweb | |
COnPremiseGettingStartedWebTests | |
Ntest_properties | |
CPropertyTests | |
Ntest_swig | |
CSwigTests | |
CMockSwigResults | |
CMockSwigValue | |