These pages show you how to set up and use the 51Degrees device detection API. For more information on how device detection works and can benefit you, please visit our Device Detection Page . If you’re using our cloud based device detection, you should refer to the Cloud API Documentation pages . All source code, and the free Lite data, is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2 .
Get Going With Our Tutorials
Getting started example of using 51Degrees device detection. The example shows how to:
Import settings from the 51Degrees settings file
dataFile = settings.V3_WRAPPER_DATABASE properties = settings.PROPERTIES cacheSize = settings.CACHE_SIZE poolSize = settings.POOL_SIZE
Instantiate the 51Degrees device detection provider with these
provider = fiftyone_degrees_mobile_detector_v3_wrapper.Provider(dataFile, properties, cacheSize, poolSize)
Produce a match for a single HTTP User-Agent header
match = provider.getMatch(userAgent)
Extract the value of the IsMobile property
from FiftyOneDegrees import fiftyone_degrees_mobile_detector_v3_wrapper
from fiftyone_degrees.mobile_detector.conf import settings
import sys
Imports settings from the settings file. The Default settings file, and
details on how to change it can be output by running the command
<p><pre class="prettyprint lang-py">
51degrees-mobile-detector settings
dataFile = settings.V3_WRAPPER_DATABASE
properties = settings.PROPERTIES
cacheSize = settings.CACHE_SIZE
poolSize = settings.POOL_SIZE
Initialises the device detection provider with settings from the settings
file. By default this will use the included Lite data file For more info
<a href="">compare data options
provider = fiftyone_degrees_mobile_detector_v3_wrapper.Provider(dataFile,
# User-Agent string of an iPhone mobile device.
mobileUserAgent = ("Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) "
"AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) 'Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 "
# User-Agent string of Firefox Web browser version 41 on desktop.
desktopUserAgent = ("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) "
"Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0")
# User-Agent string of a MediaHub device.
mediaHubUserAgent = ("Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; X7 Quad Core "
"Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 "
"Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
def main():
sys.stdout.write('Starting Getting Started Example.\n')
# Carries out a match with a mobile User-Agent.
sys.stdout.write('\nMobile User-Agent: %s\n' % mobileUserAgent)
match = provider.getMatch(mobileUserAgent)
sys.stdout.write(' IsMobile: %s\n' % match.getValues('IsMobile'))
# Carries out a match with a desktop User-Agent.
sys.stdout.write('\nDesktop User-Agent: %s\n' % desktopUserAgent)
match = provider.getMatch(desktopUserAgent)
sys.stdout.write(' IsMobile: %s\n' % match.getValues('IsMobile'))
# Carries out a match with a MediaHub User-Agent.
sys.stdout.write('\nMedia Hub User-Agent: %s\n' % mediaHubUserAgent)
match = provider.getMatch(mediaHubUserAgent)
sys.stdout.write(' IsMobile: %s\n' % match.getValues('IsMobile'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
For more examples see the tutorial pages.
How Does Device Detection Work
51Degrees device detection implementation does not rely on regular expressions, instead our algorithm looks at character positions in the HTTP User-Agent string and picks a set of signatures that represents the closest match. Then a set of four profiles (one for each of the following components: hardware, software, browser and crawler) is derived from those signatures. Properties and the corresponding values are then derived from those profiles. For more information and examples please see the How Device Detection Works page.
Premium and Enterprise data files can benefit from automatic update capabilities. If you're a Lite user you can contact us for a free evaluation to experience the benefits of automatic updates and check out the extra properties and features that come with Premium and Enterprise data files.
The latest Premium and Enterprise data files can be obtained from the downloads area.
Prerequisites and Compatibility
- Python 2.7+
- g++ 4.8.4+
- SWIG 2.0+
- python-setuptools
- python-dev
- python-pip